Walking through the neighborhood we’ve often seen wild rabbits but never managed to get a picture, this time we saw one on a house driveway. Of course we wonder if he’s the same one every time – after all – they do look the same to us, especially running away with that bobbing white tail. 🙂 Having said that we’ve also seen a couple of huge tame rabbits, one black and one a much larger version of the urban rabbit. Further along we came across an Egret that was feeling…

Bright and early this morning – Rusty did not want to wait, nice 75 degrees and a strong breeze from the south – perfect weather. A few times in the past we’ve seen a small bird seeming to drop from the branches and then fly back up, a brilliant bright blue color. We’ve never been able to get close enough to get a photograph – until this morning. In a small group of trees about half way into the walk we saw what we believe is the Eastern Bluebird, and…

For a few days the wildlife has been a little sparse, this morning all that changed. First sighting was the Egret at the side of the pond, looking very hopeful, until we got a little too close – I managed to get a picture of it taking flight. Further along we passed the wild flower section, the Blue Bonnets are long gone but the Mexican Hat wildflowers are still showering us with the vivid reds and yellow. Then we arrived at the pond on the far left –…