Well, we did take our usual walk this morning at sunrise however the weather wasn’t too kind. Blustery north wind at about 15 miles an hour on an open space when the temperature is at freezing is not a thing of joy. Unless you’re a Polar bear!! The second ‘stroll’ of the day was about 2 hours ago and I’m still warming up. Currently 4 below and the wind is stronger at 25 miles per hour – I didn’t see one brass monkey and even if I had…

Just at sunrise Rusty took me for a walk. I’m sure it’s supposed to read the other way around but he decides which way we go once we arrive at the ponds – left or right. So this morning we went left passing the largest of the 3 ponds. Rusty has to smell every leaf, every branch has to be watered and he stops quite often for one of those activities. That lets me take a look around – so I saw this view of the sunrise, through the…

Today Rusty didn’t need his bright yellow slicker, it was dry but chilly. When we walked Christmas Day someone had hung a red decoration on a young tree, today that decoration is no longer there – so Christmas is officially over for another year. It actually looks colder today than it did at Christmas. Christmas Day and January 11, the decorations are gone. The Grey Heron was back and was patient enough to let me take this picture. Fisher Man and his reflection On an earlier post I…

It’s been a few days since we posted on our walks, it’s been very cold recently and not much to talk about – except today. So today it’s raining, not hard – just that steady almost misty rain that soaks you. In the past Rusty has objected, quite strongly, to his morning walk in the rain – he really hates the rain. So we bought him a rain coat – a bright yellow slicker and today he walked in the rain with me. Rusty in his rain gear Isn’t…

We saw a little of the local wildlife on the walk this morning, first were the ‘crazy’ ducks. We say crazy as they just seem to be swimming, somewhat aimlessly, in circles. They look like Northern Shovelers, and they apparently are creating a sort of whirlpool that brings food nearer to the surface – so not so crazy. Ducks swimming in circles A little further along we spotted what looked like Robins or American Red Breasts, not a very clear picture of them watching us watching them. Look…